Aged Care Taskforce Created to Examine the Cost of Aged Care

Key Takeaways:

  • The Aged Care Taskforce, established by the Minister for Aged Care, aims to review the current funding model for aged care and develop a system that is equitable for all Australians

  • Potential introduction of an aged care levy to help support those in need will be one of the major considerations

  • The Taskforce's goals align with the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, underlining the commitment to a sustainable, innovative, and user-centric aged care system.

  • A critical focus will be on fostering an environment for constant innovation and adaptation in the aged care sector.

  • The Taskforce aims to shift from a provider-centric to a user-centric model, prioritising the needs and preferences of the elderly and their families.

An Initiative for Change

The Australian aged care sector is undergoing major reform with the establishment of the Aged Care Taskforce (Taskforce), an initiative expected to shape a new era of aged care in the country.

The Taskforce, created by Labor Aged Care Minister Anika Wells, is set to commence its work from July 1. The primary objectives involve reviewing current funding arrangements for aged care and developing a system that ensures fairness and equity for all Australians. The Taskforce's creation is in alignment with the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, with an overarching vision to build a sustainable, innovative, and user-centric system that will serve the ageing population now and into the future.

Equity and Innovation

While much is still to be unveiled about the Taskforce's detailed plans, the initiative represents a critical step towards addressing the complex challenges inherent in the aged care sector. Ensuring a sustainable system is at the forefront of these challenges. The goal is not just to ensure the financial feasibility of aged care services, but also to foster an environment that allows for constant innovation, adaptation, and improvements in care.

Equity for older Australians is another primary concern. The Taskforce's objective is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has access to high-quality aged care. This sentiment is echoed by Tom Symondson, CEO of the Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) and a member of the Taskforce, who in a recent interview with ABC News, argued for increased consumer contributions from those who can afford to pay. Exactly how - or even if - this aged care levy would be introduced is yet to be discussed, even within the Taskforce. Mr. Symondson also stressed that any decisions would have to be balanced with the community's willingness to accept such measures.

“We've had 20 years where we've really avoided the key question of - if we're going to provide better care how we're going to pay for it. And the elephant in the room is that we just don't spend enough on caring for our elders, and we have to do something about that.”

-Tom Symondson, CEO of ACCPA and member of the Aged Care Taskforce

Innovation in the sector is another key area of focus. Although details of how the Taskforce plans to make innovation the default in the sector are still to be unveiled, this priority signals a forward-thinking approach, which recognises the need for creative solutions in dealing with the ongoing and future challenges of aged care.

A User-Centric Approach

Finally, at the heart of the Taskforce's objectives is a commitment to put the people using aged care at the centre of funding arrangements. This underlines a shift from a provider-centric model to a user-centric one, where the needs and preferences of the elderly and their families are prioritised.

Looking Ahead

As the Taskforce gets ready to commence its work, it's clear that the journey to reforming aged care in Australia is complex and fraught with challenges. Yet, the creation of the Taskforce signifies a step in the right direction, acknowledging the urgency of addressing the sector's issues and the importance of securing a better future for the nation's ageing population.

Read more about the Aged Care Taskforce, its role and its members here: 

At Tunstall Healthcare APAC, we recognise the potential of these developments and are committed to staying at the forefront of industry news. We understand the complexities our clients face and remain dedicated to providing monitored assistive technology solutions that enable individuals to live safely and independently. As the aged care sector evolves, so too will our approach, always prioritising the wellbeing of those we serve.

About the Author
Alistair Wilkes
Alistair Wilkes

Alistair is Marketing Team Manager with Tunstall Healthcare, and has been with the company for more than 7 years. Throughout his time with Tunstall, he has assisted with the development of internal and external communications for the company, including blog articles and web content. His background is primarily in the non-profit industry, working across human rights, disability support and child protection.

See all of Alistair's articles.